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University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden

tu.jpgDep. of Urology at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden, Germany

Scientist in charge: Dr. Axel Meye

Expertise and experience

The Department of Urology provides sophisticated scientific treatment and expertise for all aspects of urology. Basic and clinical research funded by national and international grants is focussed on prostate and bladder carcinoma and reconstructive surgery and tissue engineering. The laboratory of the department has experience in the investigation of cellular interaction between cancer cells of different origin and CNT. Together with the IFW, preliminary studies on different CNT subtypes synthesized, measurement of temperature profiles of tissues and whole animals within a magnetic field have been performed.

Key equipment

Fully equipped cell culture unit including fluorescence microscope, real-time PCR (LightCycler instrument), immunomagnetic cell sorting device (autoMACS), FACS, Affymetrix microarray system and TEM (Collaboration with the Institute of Pathology), paraffin-embedding station, immunocytochemistry and immunhistochemistry. Central animal center at the Faculty of Medicine of the TUD

Key scientific staff

Dr. A. Meye / Oncology
Dr. S. Füssel / Oncology
B. Sc. D. Kunze / Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. M.P. Wirth / Oncology
J. Herrmann / Cell Biology, TEM


R. Klingeler

M. Malkoc

Network members