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The following researchers are currently or were employed by the CARBIO Network:

RT1 (University of Toulouse)
Petar Lukanov (Bulgaria): Synthesis of single- and double-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Carmen-Mihaela Tîlmaciu (Romania): Synthesis and filling of single- and doublewalled CNT (from September 2007)

RT2 (Szczecin University of Technology)
Sara da Costa (Portugal): Synthesis and filling of Carbon Nanotubes

RT3 (Szczecin University of Technology)
Carla Tripisciano (Italy): Exohedral functionalisation of Carbon Nanotubes
Dr. Mark Rümmeli (UK): (Finished)

Dr. Xuecheng Chen (China): Exohedral functionalisation of Carbon Nanotubes

RT4 (University of Surrey, Guildford)
Elena Heister (Germany): Functionalisation of RNA-wrapped CNT for RNAi biodelivery

RT6 (IFB, Johannes-Keppler-University Linz)
Constanze Lamprecht (Germany): Binding of functionalized CNT to cells and delivery into the cell: A microscopic view

RT 7 (IFW Dresden) 

RT8 (University of Twente)
Martin Sobik (France/Poland): Spatially resolved SQUID studies

RT9 (University of Twente)
Vijay Kumar Anuganti (India): Imaging CNT: micro-MRI and NMR studies

RT 10 (IFW Dresden)
Kamil Lipert (Poland): Magnetic properties of nanomagnets: CNT as intracellular magnetic probes for heating

Matthias Lutz (Austria - UK):

RT11 (University of Surrey, Guildford)
Dr. Vanesa Sanz Beltran (Spain): Delivery of functionalized RNA-wrapped CNT to kill cancer cells

RT11 (University of Surrey, Guildford)
Vera Neves (Portugal): Delivery of functionalised RNA-wrapped CNT to kill cancer cells

RT 12 (TU Dresden)
Arthur Taylor (Brazil/USA): Medical studies using CNT for tumour therapy


R. Klingeler

M. Malkoc

Network members